So ignoring the fact that I've had this account since nov 2008, this is my first official posting. yay!! Anyways, I know for a fact that no one wants to know anything about myself (too bad) so I'll just do what I'm good at pretending that i Don't have a clue.SO......My name is Amirah! I'm well in Secondary School in Malaysia. I'm involved in alot of things at school - netball, taekwondo, debate, wind orchestra, choir. FYI : I'm actually recovering from a neck injury I got during a taekwondo match as we speak. Nothing serious though so like my Doctor said "No worries,".
So the reason I opened this account two years ago was for fun but now I've decided to make it a platform for me to share my opinion on the things that I love - music, the world, k-pop and culture. Everything that has been important to me. I hope all of you reading my blog would do me a favor by sharing with me what you know about these things. Like I said, I'm very open on your opinions and I'd like to make some amazing friends to share my experience and opinions with. ^_^
One of my major opinions is that there are a lot of cultures that people espeacially teenagers are starting to forget. i.e. In Malaysia, what I don't see anymore is people talking about how beautiful our dances are, how amazing our clothes are. All I see is talks of how cute Justin Bieber is (I must admit thought that i really am a fan as well) and teens trying to break-dance . All these things the music,the dance the clothes. It is amazing to me but sometimes I wish we could just take a moment to cherish our own culture. Something that is actually fading.
That's my opinion. What's yours?...^_^
Yours truly,