Thursday, December 13, 2012

Diamanté Boutique

Salam and hi!

U guys should totally check out my new boutique I'm launching:)
Follow me on twitter: @diamantboutique
Or Instagram : Diamante Boutique
Like my Facebook page: COMING SOON

Tonight I'll be launching my first Grand Opening Collection with *drumroll* sale :) first ten orders will get a special price. :) find out if you are lucky!


Monday, December 3, 2012


What's up?
Hey hit me up at @ :3 I'd be glad to answer ur questions :D

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Memories I'll Cherish: 1st Asia Pacific Conference of Young Scientist, Palangkaraya

Assalamualaikum and HEYYY!!!!

   I wanna share with all of you an awesome experience that I had when I attended the first APCYS in Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Honestly, when I first boarded tha Garuda flight to Jakarta, I never expected to enjoy the experience there. I thought it'd be another boring old competition where everybody competes and just go home. Well I was definitely wrong. Let me tell ya'...from the Liaison Officers to the activities even the professors, APCYS was just AWESOME! 

   One funny detail out of the many hilarious moments I had at APCYS was that I didn't realise that the whole flight to Palangkaraya were participants of APCYS. I felt so dumbfounded when I arrived and saw that all of us were there for the same reason. Nevertheless, we were greeted with warm smiles by Ni Wayan and Adhe :D. They are the most supportive LOs(Liaison Ofiicer) ever. To prove that Adhe even agreed to lend us her laptop since we didn't have one for the presentation. (Thank You SOO much for that - you have no idea how greatful we felt.) BTW, I was accompanied in my mission to win something at APCYS by Nurul Fitriyani or Yanie as I lovingly call her. She was a great partner in crime. Allow me to highlight some of the unforgettable moments that i had.

   Firstly, was when I had the chance to have a chat with the delegates from Korea :DDDDDDD Thats's RIGHT! Haha..I even managed to slip out some Korean phrases too. They are the awesome delegates consisting of Eunseol, Yeongseong and Jisun. We talked about a lot of things ranging from K-POP to Korean culture and food. They were quite impressed(Cehh) haha.. I hope we meet again! 

  My top favourite moment was..the science quiz + City tour. I was in a group named -Men in Black- the awesomest group ever. I never thought we'd be able to cooperate well - because we were from such diverse and diffrerent background plus...we haven't gotten to know each other-but I was definitely wrong. The teamwork was magnificent! We ended up getting 2nd place. My favourite companions during the whole time were Miza, Daniel, and Popla. Daniel was a great listener haha..he listened even when my stories got a lil bit crazy. Thank you as well for sharing me stories from the Aboriginals. Kangaroos, Cockatoos, Wallabies(if i spelt that right), Crows, Mountains and Pythons. I'll definitely spread that story! :D  Popla was soo cute!I really miss her and Miza too. It was fun playing translator for a day at the museum.

  Lastly, since I don't want to babble on for too long. I'LL FOREVER CHERISH THE FRIENDSHIP I'VE ESTABLISHED WITH SO MANY PEOPLE FROM ALL DIFFERENT PLACES. I've ALWAYS wanted to get into international background and APCYS have allowed me to do so. I definitely came back to Malaysia a Little more WISER and I hope I can attend future APCYS too:D

Monday, November 19, 2012

Chachi Gonzales and Ian Eastwood: Awesomeness!

Salam and heeeeyyyy!!

I just love these two and are really amazed by their talent (not to mention the fact that they're such a cute couple). Here's a video of Ian's choreography of JB's Fall danced by both of em. You can find them on twitter and Instagram if you get hooked just like me. There you can find both Chachi's and Ian's YouTube account to follow their awesomeness

Instagram: ian_eastwood

Instagram: Chachi_ Irene
Twitter: chachigonzales

Heart Confession to My Generation

Dear people who care and who don't. This is my letter to you. We are the youth of our country. Asset of our nations. Leaders of our own generation and generations to come. There is so much we can do now as young citizens to contribute to our country and to prepare ourselves for the future. As young and carefree as we are, we do carry a burden, much bigger than some of us might think. The prosperity or downfall of our country is in our hands not just in the mere future but from now too.

 "Open Up your eyes, look around, Homie can you see how it's going down, Brothers locked up, sisters knocked up"

 Chris Rene's lyrics asks us to look at status quo. Look around, we have juvenile delinquents increasing in numbers. We have pregnant teens in rehabilitation schools. All from our generation. We should not be wasting our youth! Wake up! Help others to wake up. Other countries are striving. Where are we? Do we conquer the international arena in multiple fields? Have we created a name for our generation in the country? The least we can do as young citizens is to not get caught up in social stigma. Let people look up to us, not down on us! We have to do this together!! Not only one or ten of us, but the millions that we are. The power of youth is amazing when you think about it. The future in our palms to draw and to write. The future is a blank paper where we write and paint our own history to be passed down. Let us take a look, we create new paths as we grow. We are different from the generation before us we have a hold on the future. What becomes of the future is in our hands.

We might not see it now but each and everyone of us is important to our generation. Losing yourself to unhealthy social activities means a generation losing some of its power. If you are strong then you give strength to a generation.

Lastly, just because people do not see that you are a diamond yet, don't hide away, don't self destruct because one day that shine that people see will be the one that the next generation might really, really need.

Someone who wants you to care.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Making History with Music

Salam and hey everyone!

     I've been in hiatus for a while now. Been really-really-really busy. Finally! I have the time. Thought I'd share with all of you the joy I felt when our orchestra managed to be the CHAMPION in the Festival Wind Orchestra SBP 2012. It might not seem much to some people but this is the annual competition that means EVERYTHING to us musicians in the Fully Residential Schools. Winning this festival brings pride to the school and to the musicians. It's a question of pride and glory.

     We came into the preliminary stage with two songs- Hounds of Spring and Dengar Ini Cerita. We managed to place in the top 8 and participate in the Finale. On 1st July we went to the Putrajaya International Convention Centre(PICC) hopeful and we played our hearts out to the tune of Hounds of spring. We were the second last to perform.

    We've imagined the situation of winning and losing so many times in our heads beforehand. Planning to either cry of jump and stuff...but when the moment came all of those 'plans' dissapeared. It was like the moment froze and everything else didn't matter. We proved it! We were CHAMPIONS!!

  Here are some moments that took place (some ridiculously ugly-i was crying).

Me hugging my mum! (Tears of Joy)

The Renaissance singing the school anthem

Me, My Bro and My Parents.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Don't Raise Your Voice, Improve Your Argument! :D

Assalamualaikum and HI >.< ! !!

   So, this time I'd like to talk about DEBATE and whatever that revolves around it in it's arena for School students(in my perspective).  Being a debater for 4 years now(been competing for 3 years though), I feel like it's one of my passion.

   From debating I learned a lot. Picked up a few skills here and there and most importantly improved my vocabulary< (XD) . Few things I love about debate:

1. Meeting with a lot of cool and different personalities 
-Other debaters are awesome socialites(lol).
-It's never been awkward to make new friends and we NEVER run out of things to talk about.
-Age never seems to be in the way of some great friendships

2. Feel like a sir>.<
-What I mean to say is: Feeling awesome 'cause you kinda know general-current-issue which makes you have an edge over others
- People look up to debaters(i think)0.o

3. Awesome tourneys
-The tournaments, especially those which are hosted by universities are AWESOME!!!
-I especially love IIUM's IDC and KDU's KidsBP

4. Confidence baby!
-Debating has really let me out of my shell. I wasn't really shy before but debate makes me even more confident!

5. Memories<
-I have had a lot of SILLY debates which always manage to embarrass me. but they're fun to reminisce. 

     Recently, I attended Piala Perdana Menteri (PPM). My team didn't make it far though but it's ok. We tried our best!! FYI: PPM is a prestigious Fully Residential School (FRS or SBP) debate competition. I'd Like to Congratulate teams from SDAR and TKC for making it to the finals! 

BTW....I'll be going to IIUM IDC 2012 which is on 15-20th June:D

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Type of Friends you Should Have

assamualaikum and hhheeeeeeyyyy!

   I was bored when I started to think about some types of friends I have... I think everyone should have 1 friend for each type. why? cause only then will your life be more interesting.

 BEST FRIENDS: No matter what, you can count on them to never talk bad bout you and they're always excited to do anything with you. you'll can start world war 3 with 'em but count on getting back together before you could say FIRE!

JUST FRIENDS: You can have a great time with but they're not always there for you. Short def. you'll see them during happiness and the might disappear the moment they see trouble.

PARTY-CLOWNS: Count on them to be up to scams and "fun" ALLLL the time. Never knowing when to get down and serious. Hang around them to laugh your butt of but don't hang to0 close for comfort as you might just fall off the edge.

BOOK-GEEKS: Hang with them and there "genius" vibe might just rub off. they'll definitely help you out during exams(I don't mean cheating). And they can be much more fun than you think they are.

TOUBLEMAKERS: YUP! They're the ones that likes to search for trouble picking fights and going against the rules. AKA: the daredevils. These are the type of people fun to know but very dangerous to hang with. Once the red flag starts waving you better back off and stay safe.

SNITCH BITCHES: Want some drama? Have these people in your life and you've signed up for a part in the Gossip Girl and 91210  all at once. They're the source of saucy gossip and BF(bitch fits). They aren't afraid of turning against you in 1 moment but they'll always come back to hang around sooner or later.

These are the only ones i can think of right now...there are more so...TO BE CONTINUED. Comment a type of friend you think people should have...

Big Bang: ALIVE and AWESOME!!

ASSALAMUALAIKUM ! Whats up everyone!

  So, recently I've caught up with my beloved kpop and BIG BANG has a new Album and made an extremely DAEBAK comeback. really gotta love their new songs. I especially love Fantastic Baby and Bad Boy.

Bad Boy | Fantastic Baby
    As you can see, they've made drastic changes. Although I have to admit that I don't really fancy GD's hair, but, gotta admit he pulls it off well(as usually). TOP now has green hair o.0. and Daesung has gotten much mooooorrreee attractive. I can't choose a favorite member this time cause they are equally great. 

    Again, I have to say I prefer their LIVE performances than their MVs.
here they are:

Caprice!!! Damansara Boy Got SWAG!

Assalamualaikum and Wasssssuuup world...haha...ok that was laaame.

    Anyways, so usually I'm not into local music industry. Not that I don't listen to it. Well I listen to good songs without caring who's the artist or other things like that. But this dude....CAPRICE. A MALAY rapper, is catching my attention. And usually, I don't really like rappers.

Here's a lil' something bout Caprice aite.

He's also known as Ariz Ramli. Hehe(cute). 
He's from malaysia. 
Not pretty tall. 
Has a passion for rap and music. 
Has SWAG. 
I guess he's living somewhere in Damansara. Female fans don't hate me if I'm wrong, correct me instead.

He's released a few awesome and creative covers if songs on YouTube. Translating songs into the Malay language(without making it sound stupidly silly like some people) which I'd download to my playlist. 
This is one of it...

Just the way you are-gotta love this one
He also uploaded some original raps as well. He has release a few single. One is "Fantasy Girls" and another recent one is CHIKARO which What shawty is like I guess(??) Its what girls are called in street language in Malaysia.

This dude really got swag so check him out site?

Salam and I'm out ^_^