Friday, June 1, 2012

Don't Raise Your Voice, Improve Your Argument! :D

Assalamualaikum and HI >.< ! !!

   So, this time I'd like to talk about DEBATE and whatever that revolves around it in it's arena for School students(in my perspective).  Being a debater for 4 years now(been competing for 3 years though), I feel like it's one of my passion.

   From debating I learned a lot. Picked up a few skills here and there and most importantly improved my vocabulary< (XD) . Few things I love about debate:

1. Meeting with a lot of cool and different personalities 
-Other debaters are awesome socialites(lol).
-It's never been awkward to make new friends and we NEVER run out of things to talk about.
-Age never seems to be in the way of some great friendships

2. Feel like a sir>.<
-What I mean to say is: Feeling awesome 'cause you kinda know general-current-issue which makes you have an edge over others
- People look up to debaters(i think)0.o

3. Awesome tourneys
-The tournaments, especially those which are hosted by universities are AWESOME!!!
-I especially love IIUM's IDC and KDU's KidsBP

4. Confidence baby!
-Debating has really let me out of my shell. I wasn't really shy before but debate makes me even more confident!

5. Memories<
-I have had a lot of SILLY debates which always manage to embarrass me. but they're fun to reminisce. 

     Recently, I attended Piala Perdana Menteri (PPM). My team didn't make it far though but it's ok. We tried our best!! FYI: PPM is a prestigious Fully Residential School (FRS or SBP) debate competition. I'd Like to Congratulate teams from SDAR and TKC for making it to the finals! 

BTW....I'll be going to IIUM IDC 2012 which is on 15-20th June:D

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