Monday, November 1, 2010

Co-Ed's New Song

Hello again everyone!
                   So today I want to blab about this AMAZING and catchy new song by a group called Co-Ed! The Song's title is Bbiribbom Bberibbom. 

            I seriously think it's catchy. Maybe others won't agree. I've always noticed that  my taste in modern music can be a little off - but I don't care because I LOVE IT <3333.   I mean the song is quite cute and a little quirky. This group impressed me just by being a co-ed group at first. Then got my attention from their debut single Too Late.  And the boy maknae Sungmin I think is really cute..^_^

                On the song. Most people realise that the beginning is a bit like Gaga's Telephone. So what? Gaga's been an inspiration for a lot of producers and composers lately and it's almost normal that people keep comparing K-Pop to Gaga. For me it's not really a problem. I guess I have no favourite parts of the song. I just like the song as a whole. The dance step on the other hand attracts some of my attention. I love the dance step they created for the boys especially during the 1st part of the song. The music video is crazy as well. I love that they kind of have this like mental hospital kind of theme. It's cute and funny. I don't get why T-Ara's Eun Jung was in the video towards the end though.

               I wouldn't say that this could be a winning song but it's good. I hope Co-Ed gets better in the future and is now in my Favourite K-POP group list. ^_^ 

Co-Ed Fighting!! 

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Peers, People and Changes

Salam and hi!

        So in this entry I choose to blab about my peers, people and changes that happens....

        PEERS. One word that seems to freak people out a times. Well currently scaring the hell out of me now. Let's just say that they play a major role in a teens life - and I am a teen. It's weird. No matter how much I try to convince myself to hold on to a character that doesn't care about what her peers think about, it's almost impossible. People known as your peers can be the people you Love, Hate or just Love to Hate. No matter what every time any of my peers are going through a crisis. The  first thing they would do is confront a friend and ask them not to tell anyone else. Why? Because the outcome of it is just enigmatic. You can never guess what will happen. Sometimes you think they'll hate you but it turns out they're okay with the fact you did what you did. Other times you think they'll be fine and they go at you like monsters hungry for a prey. Talk about drama. Although, life is no fun without drama now is it? Staying in a boarding school, there's drama every single day.  You could even be the star of that episode sometimes. It almost resembles the drama that goes on  in 90210 - without the drugs, sex and blackmails. There's the mean girl or girls, their boyfriends, girls who just  want to do things the right ways, guys who act like jerks, the dreamy jocks and those who just want to get this period of life over with as quickly as they can.

        So moving on. PEOPLE. People = personalities. A lot of different personalities. You have the angels, the b****  who won't  shut up, the perfect people, the pothole mouthed friend, the carefree person and the popular group to name a few. Putting people in a room and hoping that they all like each  other is impossible. Yes, I know. We already know that. I think it's weird. Why can't you try to compromise on each other's personalities and opinions? Try to accept each other?  Sure, at some point you have to point out a few flaws that you hope they can change because you can't  tolerate it anymore but you can't mould a person to become someone you really, really like. The "Perfect Friend " won't exist. There's bound to be flaws.To live with each other you have to learn to  accept them. That's what I tried and so far it worked - although I have to admit some people are getting on my nerves. My parents always remind me, " Don't try to hate people and people will TRY to not hate you". I feel embarrassed every time I talk about someone I feel angry at and I start saying how much I  hate them because of what my parents said. They are right. Hating someone is a waste of time and it could end up biting  you in the back in the end. You don't want enemies. Well at least I don't. So in conclusion: Accept people.

           People say the only constant thing in life is CHANGE. All of us are scared of change, whether we admit it or not. Changes occur all the time physically, emotionally and  mentally. Our body changes as we get older, our personality changes too. So does our feelings towards someone. Sometimes we don't realise we're changing. We're more aware of changes that occur around  us.The people and surroundings. That's why sometimes we need to sit and think for a second. "Have I changed?", and the answer is always yes. Even if it's the slightest change. (Suddenly tired of typing)

          That's all I guess..... Bye!! ^_^

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Ramadhan & Aidilfitri

Assalamualaikum & Hey~ everyone...

So right now muslims all over the world are fasting and are making the best out of Ramadhan. My ramadhan has been a great one. Celebrating it at my hostel with my schoolmates was great. Havig our sahur every morning at 4.30 am. Working hard to keep our surau clean so that we can go to the Bazaar Ramadhan later in the evening. Not even trying to hold back in ordering food from the bazaar for breaking fast. And trying our best to stay focused during prayers with a full stomach. Memories that I will never forget. The best part of Ramadhan is when you're spending it with the people you love.

Regarding Aidilfitri, I CAN'T WAIT!!! I've always loved Hari Raya(but then again who doesn't). With the fire crackers, the money that us kids get, the new everything that we get to buy, going back to our hometown, the ketupat and lemang, as well as visiting relatives and friends. It's my favourite time of the year. I already have my 'new' Raya outfits. This year my family is going GREEN. Literally. On the morning of Raya I'll be wearing a green baju kurung. The only thing I haven't bought is new Sneakers. I'm hoping to find a really nice one...


I'll take this chance to say,

"Happy Fasting and as we Malaysians say..."Selamat Hari Raya!!"

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Student Voice Council

Okay ,
Assalamualaikum and hello!

I was thinking about the new student voice council we have at my school. Not many schools in Malaysia has a body that represents the student or voicing the students thoughts, opinions and ideas. A very ambitious batch in my school (form 4's) have decided that "hey, you know what we need a student voice council(SVC)"! And I thought it was about time. After getting the thumbs up from our beloved principle, the body was established. This would be all thanx to Brother NAzran and Sister JASmin.

We've a few things like surveys but in my own opinion we need more events and activities with the students to attract attention and stand out. I really hope someone could give me a feedback and suggest some ideas for SMSS's SVC. I know a lot of schools in other countries have their own svc or a student council and it's a strong body at school.

I really hope we get alot of support from the students. I also really x3 hope that anyone can give me ideas,,,

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

First post

Hey ,

So ignoring the fact that I've had this account since nov 2008, this is my first official posting. yay!! Anyways, I know for a fact that no one wants to know anything about myself (too bad) so I'll just do what I'm good at pretending that i Don't have a clue.SO......My name is Amirah! I'm well in Secondary School in Malaysia. I'm involved in alot of things at school - netball, taekwondo, debate, wind orchestra, choir. FYI : I'm actually recovering from a neck injury I got during a taekwondo match as we speak. Nothing serious though so like my Doctor said "No worries,".
So the reason I opened this account two years ago was for fun but now I've decided to make it a platform for me to share my opinion on the things that I love - music, the world, k-pop and culture. Everything that has been important to me. I hope all of you reading my blog would do me a favor by sharing with me what you know about these things. Like I said, I'm very open on your opinions and I'd like to make some amazing friends to share my experience and opinions with. ^_^
One of my major opinions is that there are a lot of cultures that people espeacially teenagers are starting to forget. i.e. In Malaysia, what I don't see anymore is people talking about how beautiful our dances are, how amazing our clothes are. All I see is talks of how cute Justin Bieber is (I must admit thought that i really am a fan as well) and teens trying to break-dance . All these things the music,the dance the clothes. It is amazing to me but sometimes I wish we could just take a moment to cherish our own culture. Something that is actually fading.

That's my opinion. What's yours?...^_^

Yours truly,