Friday, September 2, 2011


That's Right! So, FYI this year, I'll be sitting for a very important exam called PMR. This exam exists in Malaysia for ALL 15 year olds. For most it's 7(non-muslims)or 8(muslims) subjects(Bahasa Malaysia, English, Maths, Science, Geography, History, Kemahiran Hidup, Pend Islam). Some take 9 including an optional subject of Arabic language. 
Firstly, I'd like to wish Good Luck! to all members!!  ^_^
Remember....100% A's is our target.. 
2nd. I'd like to wish all 0913 Malaysians good luck for theirPMR. Here are a few pointers:

 One. Always  smile!.....Of you're stressed out, smiling is one of the best things to lose stress! Laugh about something! Watch a comedy or look back at some of those funny unforgettable moments and smile! 

 For maths , do alot of  practises.  Remember those formulas and focus on your weak topics. AVOID CARELESS MISTAKES!! Math is fun!!
Ps: it's my favourite subject

 Always Avoid Being careless, perfection is what you need to strive for... ^_^

random i know. I was fasting hehe..

 Science is easy if you understand the concepts, remember formulas and apply in daily life....^_^
This (above) should be ours!! Fighting!!


ps: all these notes are what i write when i'm bored..hehe

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Happy Eid!

Salam and Hi Guys!

    I know it's already second day of Eid but I'd like to wish all muslims all around the world a Happy Eid! :D

            For those who don't what Eid is all about, Eid is a celebration celebrated in the month of Syawal by muslims all over the world after fasting for a month in the month of Ramadan. Although the concept is the same all over the world, different countries has different ways of celebrating Eid. Let me tell you about the basics first. In Malaysia, most of us would return to our hometown. Usually in rural areas:

1. After the last iftar(breaking fast) men from all over the village will go from house to house to recite the takbir (recital of the takbir is done by all muslims in the world). The special thing about this is it shows how close the villagers are with each other.

2. Kids would cheer in happiness as they play and celebrate the night before raya. Firecrackers are a must (harmless ones of course) .

3. It's a time for NeW things..haha.  New clothes (for morning of 1st Syawal), shoes and others.

4. It is also a time to be forgiving and generous. On the morning of Syawal. Families will wake up early to get ready and start the "Forgiving session"(i don't know what to call it.hehe) before going to a nearby mosque or surau and pray. (Solat Sunat Aidilfitri). Families would also visit the grave to visit passed loved ones.

5. Another fun thing about Eid is that kids..(yes below 18 is kids--') get Duit RAYA!! or money for visiting their relatives, friends or neighbours. For kids, it's a race to see who gets the most money. HAHA. But for more mature beings(*cough* like me), we appreciate Eid because it's a time to visit relatives that are far from you when you're in the city, strengthening family ties. CORRECTION: After receiving a comment from Anonymus who apparently is my band senior(who are you? o.0) kids are those who are still studying or in some cases not working yet. ^_^

6. We also hold open houses and invite friends of all races to come.

                               I'd love to post the pics of raya just wait. and you'll get to see the festivity of Eid in Malaysia.! 1 Malaysia!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

My K-Pop Awards!

Drum roll please........trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Welcome to the First Ever Meiramia's K-Pop Awards!

(Hehe...'s the thing. As fans we all have our favourite idols for many reason right? For me,I like different groups for different reason. No two groups are the same. As much as I know I'll never get to host my own award show, I decided to post the "awards"(air quotes there) on my blog! are the awards....)

Most Fashionably Daring (Girl Group)

2ne1, I adore your fierceness and I love your music. So Kudos to all of you!
From the first day these girls stepped into the music scene they showed their daring fashion style.
You never know what these girls are going to put on next.

Even off stage, they rock!

Coolest Stage "Uniforms"
SNSD definitely takes this for me. Their identical "uniform" never fails to be cute.

Fiercest Live Performance

Best Combination of Sexy and Fierce

Best Silly Titles for Songs
Bo Beep by T-ARA

There's a lot more on my list....tooo musch for me to post hehe..
tune in for IDOLS AWARDS Coming soon....^_^

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Fashion of the Day + Meiramia's Holiday journal.

Salam and Hi Everyone!

      SOOO...I was sitting down in front of my laptop and guess what? I've decided to blog about my daily fashion report. I know it sounds BOOOOOORRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!! But...I figure why not since I'm gonna try some really different outfit and styles. MisMATCH of colours is my number 1 aim. Any tips Please....tell me...^_^...Inspiration??  Obviously K-POP!! 
      I'll be updating every single DAY!!! .....YAY!! haha......

So as of 29th of June. (My first day of school day-I went to camp the day before) this is what I wore when we wnt out to catch Pirates of Carribean:  Stranger Tides: 

What I have on:
Red Heels, Blue Jeans, Forever 21 strapless dress, Inner, A pink shirt and a black 'selendang'.

         I'll be wearing different styles of the 'tudung' or hijab. and Yes....I do look fat.. perhaps it's a good time for me to start Fasting and dieting for that matter.. haha.. Btw...I will also start to have a Holiday Journal on My blog. It's about what I do each day of my two week holiday. Again it might seem boring but let me warn you, I have lot's of activities (with pictorials included) planned ahead. ^_^ 

So for todays HOLIDAY JOURNAL:

         I woke up quite early today.  6.00 am to be precise. The first thing I did was... got online (I know..Bad habit). Caught up to a lot of things, , Facebook, and alot of stuff. Just a random thought..Beyonce is AWESOME!! Check out her single Run The World (Girls). Then had my breakfast. AND>>>>> went to watch Pirates of the Carribean: Stranger Tides. It was cool. I couldn't stop singing and humming to the orchestral music in the background during the scenes(talk about being obsessed with orchestras-.-'). There's a huge sale going on. Can't  wait to go back to MANGO. The dresses are seriously cheap!! 70% off BABY!  : D  

Today might be short...days to come even better guys..^_^


Saturday, May 21, 2011

My Life, My Inspiration

Hi and assalamualaikum,

       So, it's been a long time since I've updated my blog. So there's a few things that opened my eyes for these past few months. It's amazing how the littlest things can be a source of inspiration to do huge things and how sometimes something insignificant can seem absolutely inspiring.

       So, this time I'm gonna take my time in telling you about a few important events that had happened. First, the Wind Orchestra SBP and Cluster School Competition (preliminary round), The flashmob with RTM (breaking Malaysia records) and life's simplicity as a fully residential school student.

        As all of you might know, I'm in an orchestra, a WIND ORCHESTRA. I am a flutist. So The Renaissance(The R), our orchestra has Extreme targets this year. Throughout the preparation, I have met many people who have been really something! Musicians who are so passionate about their music that anything less than perfect is UNACCEPTABLE! (let me tell you...perfection is so tiring to acheive -.-') It changed my almost-perfect-is-ok attitude. Also the competitive drive between sections really got us going. Clarinets have been a source of inspiration for me because they've been improving alot! (The secret? Let's keep it that way..:)) Also getting a chance to meet with Mustafa Fuzer Nawi from Istana Budaya really gave me the confidence to take up music as one of my pursuits in life. In 5 years, I now see myself as a double-major student in Marine Sciences and Music Arrangement. : D....Is it gonna be hard?? Well bring it on!!

       Another funny source of inspiration is non other than the K-Pop industry...:DDD How? Well fashion is what stands out the most for me.I mean..look at 2ne1(not that I suggest people wear some of their outfits on the streets), SNSD has a cute style, f(x), and even Girls Day. I also love their food, language and obviously the PERFECT SKIN! definitely inspires me to take care of my beauty(before it's too late) and not in the plastic surgery way..hehe... ^^ Their taste in music is great as well. I can't wait to work with one of the production companies one day....

        I love the fact that you know what? "Imperfection IS beauty"<3

Here's some food for thought....

If you want to know the value of ..
1 year, ask someone who failed in their final exam
1 month, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby
1 week, ask a paper editor
1 day, ask (can't remember)
1 hour, ask a girl who's been waiting for her boyfriend
1 minute, ask someone who missed the bus
1 second, ask someone who survived a car crash
1 milisecond, ask an olympic silver medalist in the 100m race
1 moment, ask some one who just lost their love one..
time is precious..:)
quote from....the band room

Sunday, March 13, 2011

BIGBANG - "SOMEBODY TO LOVE" Performance Practice

This new song from BIG BANG is DAEBAK!! 
Can't get it out of my head!! 
Definitely beats Justin Beiber for me (no offense. i'm a beiber dan too hehe)!! 
Especially love The beginning parts. 
Fallen in love with GD and TOP's parts as well. 
Need not too say another hit song from BIG BANG!


Saturday, March 12, 2011

KOREAN-ifiying Your Life ^^


Okay, okay....I know what you guys are thinking.." This chick is super obsessed with K-pop and Koreans man!!" ...So ?? YEah!! I am obsessed so what?

    So movin on how do you korean-ify your life and become just like you favourite idols? Well there's a few steps. We'll start with the easy ones.

1. Attempt aegyo every chance you get

2. Be a beauty freak and get perfect skin (be really fair if possible)

3. Have a great body(espeacially nice legs

4. Use korean phrases in your daily life. eg; Kamsahanmida, omo, and aigoo
5. Spice up your wardrobe with uniquely cute colours
6. Learn how to make Korean food.
7. Listen to Korean songs
8. Take a lot of selcas (self cameras)
9.Use a lot of peace signs in your pictures

10. Have a super fun-cute personality

Friday, March 11, 2011

Power Changes People

      Once again it's time for meiramia's blabbing session. So, power changes people, right? But, in what way? Positive? or Negative? I believe it's both. I mean I can see a lot of people around me change when they receive new positions. Some for the better. 

      In order to be a good leader you need to change sometimes. People might have a problem with it but if it's something that can ensure you do your job well and by all means go on with it. The positive changes would obviously be : becoming more responsible, more serious and stuff like that.  How about negative changes? Well, there's the becoming a realliy egoistic jerk who thinks he / she is so damn important and we really2 need that person. I have one thing I would like to say to those kinds of people, " Hello!! Remember where you came from? That's right down here with us!! Look in a mirror please!" 

      Being more responsible doesn't mean annoying the world out of others. And remember to  be open to other people's ideas. Anyways, sometimes people get fed up with the power they have. It's too much that it causes a burden. For these type of people I would recommend looking back at when  you were given  the power. Ask yourself, "Why did they pick me?" Look for the answer and believe in what you can do. That's what I try to do. 

       Lastly, always remember to be humble and be open to people. Never deny a helping hand. You'll be needing it. BAd! ^_^

Saturday, February 26, 2011

YG's the BEST!!!

Hey guys!!

     I just realised that..... No matter how many new songs I like and no matter how many new artists debut...I still think YG artists are the best!! I was just Listenin to Seungri's V.V.I.P. and What can I do and LOVEEED it!!<333! Check it out here and here.  Seungri for those who don't know is  a part of Big Bang. Before him, GD and TOP had realeased a few songs as well. My Favourite?  High High and Bbukigayo but i prefer to listen to the live version of bbukigayo as it has more energy compared to the original recording (that's a first right?).  I also see that in Malaysia Big Bang has quite an influence. The kids in my school would be rockin to songs like Haru Haru and Lies if not Wonder Girls or SNSD

     YG's songs is the genre which I really like. Kudos to the producers. All the songs are catchy and addictive. The singers do their job magnificently and I can fairly say that YG artist perform with the most energy. I especially admire GD and CL(Leader of 2ne1). They have such charisma on stage. I would always look forward to songs from YG artists. 
YG Hwating!!!

Seungri's VVIP
Seungri's What Can I Do
High High
2ne1-Clap Your Hand



Dinner Renaissance

Hey all!!
On the 16th of April a grand event will be held!!
The R;s annual dinner!
If any of u are interested please  contact Mr. Chairil 012-203 7917
The tickets cost RM100 each and there's a special price for school students.

Gemilang 50 Tahun Orkestra RTM

Hi all,

     Firstly, I'd like to wish Happy 50th Anniversary to RTM's Orchestra and thank you very much for allowing us to join your celebration by participating in one of your flash mobs. It was a great experience and a memory never to be forgotten. It really help me break out of my shell.  The program was very interesting and I thought it was a great idea to bring in school students into it. 

    I've never been that excited before. haha.  It helped our team spirit to rise. If you're wondering what instrument I play. It's the flute. I  loved Kak Farah. Our artist was Farah Waheeda. She was  friendly and awesome. We had a blast with her.I hope she can attend our annual dinner on the 16TH OF April. 

      We got to perform at one of the hot spot in KL. PAVILLION!! There were so many people during rehearsals and even MORE during the real thing. It felt really good seeing the smile on people's faces when we performed. (I know it sounds cheesy. But it's true.) It felt really good. We play three songs. Superheroes  which consisted of Superman, James Bond, Batman and Soul Bossa Nova. We also played ABBA ON BROADWAY and Manusia which was sung by Kak Farah. We danced like we couldn't dance again. Haha. Thinking about it makes me feel ridiculous.

     Filming with the crew was awesome.  They were really fun to work with. Our OC's also came to support. Thank you!! The programme had inspired me to pursue my passion- MUSIC. Thank you RTM!!  After the show..SHOPPING! well SPEED SHOPPING to be  exact. I bought some cupcakes from Cupcake Chic and gave them to some of my dear friends. 19th Feb 2011 was a day I'll never forget. It will be one of TheR's  most cherished memory. Once again...
 Happy Anniversary to RTM's orchestra!!
 Kak Farah singing!!
 WOW!!!! *O* Look at the crowd!!!

check it out!